A Message From the Chief
The City of Langston is a wonderful community, full of hardworking, caring citizens. I am happy to be a member of this community and to serve the public safety needs of the residents and businesses. Special place with limitless potential, where everyone deserves equal access to opportunity, happiness, and a bright future.
Our City is here to help foster those ideals in every neighborhood. It exists to serve you and be a resource for you, your family, and your community.
Chief Jay Hill
My policing philosophy focuses heavily upon solving problems in a coordinated effort with our residents. The Police Department serves as the primary enforcement arm to promote safety in the community, but every resident plays a role in our success. Langston is accustomed to this approach, with many individuals actively involved in efforts to improve our City. The spirit of service that exists is one of our best character traits.
Our goal is to remain a highly respected, professional Police Department that serves as a model for the region. We will achieve this by maintaining a presence in regional crime control efforts, high ethical standards, national accreditation, strong relationships with community stakeholders and innovative approaches to keep Langston safe.
Our Police Department is only as strong as its officers and civilian staff. Langston is lucky to have some of the finest public servants in the metropolitan area. Through the dedicated, hard work of all, we will continue to make Langston safe for families and businesses to thrive.

We are available 24/7 to serve the public safety needs of the residents and businesses

Traffic Safety Section
The Traffic Safety Section is a large part of the Special Operations Unit. Officers and sergeants in the Traffic Safety Section work 9-hour shifts, Monday through Friday, with various assignments covering 6am to 7pm.

Neighborhood Watch Program
Organizing a neighborhood watch group is particularly effective in promoting safe neighborhoods. Citizens involved in Neighborhood Watch participate directly with the Police Department in the detection and prevention of crime.